Food is medicine.|culture.|politics.|community.|innovation.|comfort.|power.|science.|data.|justice.|work.
A Trusted Voice for Nutrition
Making An Impact in 2017-18
Moving from scholarship to action requires getting the word out in a way that matters to the public. Our faculty, staff, researchers, alumni, and students are experts at translating cutting edge science and smart policy beyond the academy. This year we offered our trusted voice to the world, supported the creation of a "Food is Medicine" working group within the House Hunger Caucus, and presented events including student-led policy groups and data summits. There's always something happening here to shape the food environment into a healthier and more equitable system.
A Global Perspective
Research & Activities in 2017-18
The many research projects we highlight are designed to take the long view. From researching policies to make SNAP healthier and doing deep dives into food aid packaging design to the first ever class of Malawian dietitians graduating, the impact we make is truly global. Our expertise in gathering stakeholders and creating scholarship shows that supporting our community of faculty, staff, students, and alums is always a worthy investment.